Postao/la razorinc » Ned lip 19, 2016 2:08 pm
odradio sam flash preko sd kartice na ovaj način (možda će nekome trebat):
-Download the firmware, and you will usually get three files,:factory_update_param.aml recovery.img and one ZIP file.
- Copy all of the firmware file(factory_update_param.aml recovery.img, u-boot.bin and one ZIP file) to one sd card;
- Make sure your device is powered off and power cable removed.
- Insert SD card with extracted files in root directory.
- Insert a match or a toothpick to reset button – you will feel a click. (the reset button is in the AV hole in the back)
- Power on the vega s89 box by inserting power cable, while holding the match in the reset hole.
- It will boot to recovery and start installing ROM. Good. It will restart when finished (you can connect with HDMI cable, so you can see the update process in your tv or monitor)
Miui Beta Team